FEDEX Day - Ship a Product in a Day!

The origins of our Fedex Days lie in our frustrations experienced with big corporations and the length of time it takes to prototype ideas, coupled with the monotony of doing the same thing every day.

We started this initiative a few years ago with a view to kickstart our innovation framework at Lateral and prove that small initiatives can have profound consequences in the culture of our company. We truly believe working with young people can produce incredible results, so we are extending this initiative beyond our company.

We fought a lot of reticence at the beginning: “people won’t be able to be as creative if you impose these rules’, ‘One day is not enough’, ‘people do this for the prizes’ - but we’ve proven almost skeptics wrong: the more open the theme the less innovation. Limitations foster creativity; a day is more than enough to prototype ideas and challenges are often bigger motivators than money.

Think of this as a 'hackathon' on steroids where students and professionals come together to "deliver" a product in a day (experiment, create and build the real deal).



Interested? Get in touch!